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Course Completion Assignment
Congratulations……you are nearly there!
To complete your learning journey on the Agile Organization, and to receive your certification for this course, you just have to complete one final step to capture your key learnings and to identify 2-3 concrete actions you can take forward. Follow the instructions below.
1) Summarise your key learnings and take-aways from this course
2) What actions will you take for you and your organization/work setting to further the understanding and application of agility at the organizational level.
(a) Actions for you
(b) Actions for your organization
3) If you completing the full (5 module) Organizational Agility Programme, what are the key steps and milestones you would identify for your “Roadmap towards Organizational Agility” as part of your Organizational Agility Programme certification exercise?
Please submit your reflection and action plan to in[email protected] in order to compete this course and to receive your certification.
And finally, ensure you have marked complete all sections in the online campus to finish and complete the course including the final section (Next Steps and Close)